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Campaign for NASA​​​

I served as the account executive in our created agency, POP PR Agency, in my Capstone class at the University of Oklahoma.


My main responsibilities were staying in close contact with our contact at NASA and the participants of the challenge. As the executive, I moderated between many students, professors, and professionals to make sure the same message was being grasped by everyone. I served as the constant contact for anyone who had a question about the event.


- Secured a venue.

- Publicized the event throughout the entire campus and Oklahoma media.

- Created social media sites to gain recognition.

- Attended student organizations to speak with students.

- Gained over 25 participants. 

- Secured sponsors to help in monetary ways.

- Gave NASA a report of our participants' findings.

-Obtained judges for the awards ceremony.

-Planned itinerary and budget for event.


Social media sites:

Facebook: 2013 NASA Space Apps Challenge- Norman, OK

Twitter: @spaceappsok

Title. Double click me.

My latest work in my public relations capstone course was a campaign for NASA. We hosted an event called the International Space Apps Challenge on the University of Oklahoma's campus.

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